Biotech Terms Glossary.


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Fructosamine Controls

Fructosamine controls are quality control materials used in laboratory testing to monitor the precision and accuracy of fructosamine assays. These controls contain known concentrations of fructosamine and are designed to mimic samples, allowing laboratory technicians to verify the performance of the fructosamine assay and ensure reliable results.

Similar to fructosamine calibrators, fructosamine controls come in a set of multiple vials or solutions with different concentrations of fructosamine. These concentrations typically cover the range of values that may be encountered in patient samples.

During laboratory testing, fructosamine controls are analyzed alongside samples using the same assay procedure. By comparing the measured fructosamine levels in the controls to their known concentrations, laboratory technicians can assess the accuracy and precision of the assay.

Fructosamine controls help ensure that a fructosamine assay is functioning correctly and producing accurate and reliable results. It allows labs to detect and correct any issues with the assay performance, helping to maintain the quality of fructosamine testing and the overall reliability of results.